Jared Reynolds - All Of Me Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: All of Me
  • Album: Faithful
  • Artist: Jared Reynolds
  • Released On: 29 Jan 2020
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Jared Reynolds All Of Me

All Of Me Lyrics

You are my God and King
And I give you everything I have
All of me

You are my Lord and King
And I give you everything I have
All of me

I know You are my King
I owe You all of Me
My heart, my soul, my everything

My praise to You I sing
I owe you everything 
My heart, my soul, belongs to Thee

All Of Me Video

All Of Me Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration


"All of Me" is a heartfelt and soul-stirring song by Jared Reynolds. With its captivating melodies and powerful lyrics, this song has touched the hearts of many listeners.

I. The Journey of Surrender:
The song begins with the chorus, "You are my God and King, and I give you everything I have, all of me." These lines establish the main theme of surrender and devotion to God. It reflects the journey of a person who recognizes God's sovereignty and willingly gives their entire being to Him.

II. Acknowledging God's Authority:
The next part of the chorus states, "You are my Lord and King, and I give you everything I have, all of me." Here, the songwriter emphasizes the acknowledgment of God's authority and lordship over one's life. It highlights the importance of recognizing God's rightful place as the ruler and surrendering all aspects of life to Him.

III. The Bridge: A Declaration of Faith:
The bridge of the song affirms the songwriter's faith in God. It states, "I know You are my King, I owe You all of Me, my heart, my soul, my everything." This section represents a declaration of trust and commitment to God. It showcases the songwriter's deep understanding of the debt of gratitude owed to God and the willingness to offer everything to Him.

IV. The Inspiration Behind the Song:
While the specific inspiration for "All of Me" by Jared Reynolds is not readily available, it is evident that the song draws from a place of deep devotion and surrender to God. The lyrics reflect a heart that desires to give its all to the Creator and recognizes the significance of fully submitting to His will.

V. Analyzing the Song's Biblical Message:
To determine if a song aligns with biblical principles, it is essential to examine the lyrics in light of the Word of God. "All of Me" resonates with several biblical truths:

1. Surrender to God's Lordship:
The song's emphasis on surrendering to God's authority mirrors the biblical teaching of submitting to Him as Lord. In Romans 10:9, it is written, "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." This verse highlights the significance of recognizing Jesus as Lord and surrendering to His authority.

2. Giving God Our All:
The lyrics of the song express a desire to give God everything - heart, soul, and everything within. This echoes Jesus' teaching in Mark 12:30, where He says, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." The song's message aligns with this command to love and serve God with our entire being.

3. Trust and Faith in God:
The bridge of the song conveys a deep trust and faith in God's sovereignty. This resonates with Proverbs 3:5-6, which states, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." The song encourages listeners to trust in God and surrender to His guidance.

4. Gratitude and Worship:
The song's lyrics reflect a heart of gratitude towards God for His goodness and faithfulness. This aligns with numerous biblical passages that emphasize the importance of worship and thanksgiving. Psalm 100:4 declares, "Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name." "All of Me" encourages listeners to offer their praise and worship to God.

VI. Conclusion:
"All of Me" by Jared Reynolds is a beautifully crafted song that conveys the message of surrender, devotion, and trust in God. Its lyrics reflect biblical principles of acknowledging God's authority, giving Him our all, and expressing gratitude and worship. As listeners engage with this song, they are encouraged to examine their own hearts and consider how they can surrender every aspect of their lives to God.

In the journey of faith, may we all find the strength to surrender all of ourselves to our loving Creator, who deserves nothing less than our wholehearted devotion.

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